The Murray River turtle (Emydura macquarii) is also know as the eastern short-necked turtle and the Macquarie River turtle. They are considered an endangered species in Victoria.
The Murray River turtle has a shorter neck, a band of cream from mouth to neck, and a pale underside with no black lines.
Distribution and habitat
Found more commonly in central and north Victoria, the Murray River turtle frequents large waterways and can be found in ornamental ponds, large lakes, and river drainages.
An opportune feeder, the Murray River turtle is omnivorous feeding on both aquatic vegetation and species including tadpoles, crayfish, fish, and invertebrates.
Murray River turtles rarely come out of the water. If you’re lucky, you may spot them soaking up the sunshine on the shorelines of the waterway.
Breeding season
Breeding typically takes place between late spring and early summer. The females will choose a nest site close to water and dig down approximately 20cm. They lay between 10 to 15 eggs in each nest with eggs taking approximately six to eight weeks to hatch.

General fun facts
What can you do to help?
The most common turtle reports made to Wildlife Victoria are when a turtle has been found wandering or displaced, or when they have been hit by a vehicle.
While the broad-shell and Murray River turtle will both predominantly stay in the water, long-necked turtles often spend time on land, and can actually spend up to six months out of water if required. What is often reported is when a turtle has been flushed down a gutter and into a drain system due to heavy rains or flooding. When found in a suburban or urban area, this can often lead to them being mistaken for a lost pet, when they are more commonly a wild turtle that has been displaced. If you see a turtle in an unusual place, please call our 24/7 Emergency Response Service on (03) 8400 7300 for advice.
A common call to Wildlife Victoria’s Emergency Response Service regarding turtles is when an animal has been hit by a vehicle. Turtles that have been hit by a vehicle are often left with a cracked or broken shell, which is equivalent to the pain from a broken bone. Therefore, it’s important they receive veterinary attention as soon as possible.
We hope that by increasing your understanding and awareness of our beautiful wildlife, you will feel empowered to manage wildlife situations confidently and in an informed, safe and appropriate manner. For support at any time, please call our 24/7 Emergency Response Service on (03) 8400 7300.