Become a WildFriend
Wildlife needs our help more than ever. Last year alone, we received over 160,000 calls for assistance. Thanks to our supporters, we were able to assist more than 97,000 native animals in the field, treat over 1,600 through our Travelling Veterinary Service, and provide expert advice and education to hundreds of thousands of callers. Demand for our services continues to grow – but so does our impact!
Now, we need your help to grow our community and create lasting change.
Rescue, rehabilitation, and release are vital, but long-term protection of our wildlife requires a united, educated, and empowered community. That’s why we invite you to become a WildFriend – a committed supporter who helps safeguard our wildlife through regular monthly donations.
As a WildFriend, you’ll receive:
Monthly updates on how your donations are making a difference.
Expert tips on living harmoniously with wildlife.
Information on how to foster a wildlife-friendly environment in your own community.
Inspiring rescue stories from the field.
$38 can cover the cost of an Emergency Response Service Operator providing over the phone advice to a caller that reports a native animal hit by a vehicle. That's one more precious animal helped every month!
No matter the amount, your ongoing support will help rescue, rehabilitate, and advocate for wildlife in need. When you become a WildFriend, you’re not just donating – you’re investing in the future of Victoria’s wildlife.