Report Wildlife Emergency

We are lucky to share Victorian waters with 25 species of whales, two species of dolphins, and six species of seals. Although they have similar characteristics and often share a common role in the ecosystem to fish, dolphins and whales feed their young milk, breathe air and are warm-blooded. Unlike whales and dolphins, seals spend their time in the water and on land and can often be seen on Victorian beaches. 


Two groups of seals are found in Victoria - ‘eared’ seals and ‘true’ seals. As their name suggests, eared seals have a prominent external ear flap, which distinguishes them from true seals, which lack an external ear flap. Eared seals, which may be seen in Victorian waters for all or part of the year, include the Australian fur seal (most common), the New Zealand fur seal and the Australian sea lion. True seals are only occasional visitors to Victoria’s waters, but include the leopard seal and southern elephant seal. Most seals share a diet of fish, octopus and squid; however, the larger true seals can also prey on penguins, birds and even smaller seals.  


Whales are the gentle giants of the ocean and play a crucial role in ocean ecosystems by helping to keep food chains stable. At different times of the year, various whale species can be seen migrating along Victoria’s coastline. Commonly sighted species include the humpback whale, the southern right whale and the blue whale. These whales are classified as baleen whales and are therefore filter-feeders, meaning they sieve small prey items like krill and plankton from the water through their fibrous baleen. They can sing complex songs to communicate with their calves and members of their pod. 


Dolphins fall under the category of ‘toothed whales’ and are playful, clever and social creatures. They feed on a variety of fish, octopus, krill and squid. Common dolphins found in Victoria’s waters include the short-beaked common dolphin and the bottlenose dolphin. Despite their name, killer whales (or orcas) are actually classified as dolphins, and have been sighted throughout marine areas all over Victoria. Victoria is also the home to the critically endangered Burrunan dolphin, a species of bottlenose dolphin discovered in 2011.  

Victorian regulations for marine mammals


  • On land and water: do not approach within 30m of a seal. 

  • With a dog: keep your dog on a leash and do not approach within 50m of a seal on land. 

  • On a boat ramp/pier/jetty etc.: do not approach within 5m of a seal. 

  • It is illegal to touch or feed a seal. 

Dolphins and whales: 

  • It is okay if a whale or dolphin approaches you while boating, but do not approach them closer than the allowed distance. 

  • On a boat: do not approach within 100m of a dolphin or 200m of a whale. 

  • On a jet ski: do not approach within 300m of any dolphin or whale. 

  • When swimming or surfing: do not approach within 30m of a dolphin or 50m of a whale.  

  • With a dog: keep your dog on a leash and do not approach within 150m of a dolphin or 300m of a whale. 


General fun facts

Humpback whales can travel more than 16,000km each year – the longest migration of any mammal worldwide.
Australian fur seals can dive to depths of up to 200m in search of prey.
Unlike us, dolphins must consciously take breaths. This means that they cannot go into a deep unconscious sleep or they would stop breathing. Therefore, they only rest one side of their brain at a time.

What can you do to help?

It is not uncommon to see seals resting on Victorian beaches, either alone or in a group. If you come across a seal on a beach that appears injured, unwell, orphaned or you are concerned about it, please contact Zoos Victoria’s Marine Response Unit on 1300 245 678 if between the hours of 7:30am-5pm. After hours, call Wildlife Victoria’s 24/7 Emergency Response Service on (03) 8400 7300.  

Please note: Under Victorian law, Wildlife Victoria is not permitted to directly assist with seals requiring rescue. Our Emergency Response Service can however provide advice and pass on information to the appropriate agencies. 

Unfortunately, marine mammals like seals are vulnerable to entanglements in fishing line or waste like fishing nets or plastic. This can be potentially fatal for seals if it prevents their mobility or ability to feed and these rescues can be very complex. If you see a seal entangled in fishing line or waste, please contact Zoos Victoria’s Marine Response Unit on 1300 245 678 if between the hours of 7:30am-5pm. After hours, call Wildlife Victoria’s 24/7 Emergency Response Service on (03) 8400 7300. 

Please note: Under Victorian law, Wildlife Victoria is not permitted to directly assist with seals requiring rescue. Our Emergency Response Service can however provide advice and pass on information to the appropriate agencies. 

Seals may raise a flipper in the air to help thermoregulate when on land or in the water. Generally, this is not a sign anything is wrong, and these seals do not need intervention. 

Due to the specialised nature of whale and dolphin rescues, and under Victorian law, Wildlife Victoria is not permitted to directly assist. If you come across an injured, stranded, entangled or deceased whale or dolphin, please call the Whale and Dolphin Emergency Hotline on 1300 136 017. You can find more information about Whale and Dolphin Emergency Response here.  

Wildlife Victoria does not keep a record of wildlife sightings. If you would like to log a sighting of a marine mammal, please visit the Marine Mammal Foundation here.  

We hope that by increasing your understanding and awareness of our beautiful wildlife, you will feel empowered to manage wildlife situations confidently and in an informed, safe and appropriate manner. For support at any time, please call our 24/7 Emergency Response Service on (03) 8400 7300.