Makeshift nests are the best way to reunite nestlings with their parents after falling out of their original nests. They can be made from materials found around the house.
Plastic bucket or coconut fibre basket *
Sturdy stick
Dry leaf matter
Cable ties/rope (something to secure in tree)
*Ensure the sides of the container are high enough to prevent the bird from jumping out.
Puncture holes in the base of the container for drainage (bucket or coconut fibre basket)
Scatter some leaf matter to cushion base
Place a sturdy stick so bird can climb out when ready to fledge
Secure firmly as high in tree as nest was originally, or as close to it as you can get to avoid predators
Monitor nest over next 24 hours to see if parents return - if they do not, please call us on 03 8400 7300

Nestling vs. Fledgling
It’s important to be able to distinguish between nestlings and fledglings as it is normal behaviour for fledglings of most species to be out of the nest and on the ground. However, nestlings are too vulnerable and need to be out of reach of predators.
Nestlings will have splayed legs and little to no feather growth. They also usually have closed eyes and will be opening their mouths repeatedly.
Fledglings normally have a fluffier look and should be able to hop short distances as their legs are stronger.
You can find more information on our Baby Bird Factsheet to help determine whether a bird is a nestling or a fledgling.
Note: Tawny frogmouth nestlings OR fledglings should never be on the ground and require a makeshift nest!
If you are unable to determine this or need help creating a makeshift nest, please call our Emergency Service on 03 8400 7300.