Birds may become entrapped in buildings, especially when the roof is higher than doors and exits. This commonly occurs in warehouses, shopping centres and school buildings. If safely feasible, use a towel and box to securely contain the bird for transportation to a local veterinary clinic for thorough assessment. Birds are susceptible to stress, dehydration, starvation and potential injuries while restricted within indoor spaces.
Consider the following recommendations if a bird has become trapped and cannot be safely contained:
Ensure that an accessible window or door is open, providing a clear pathway to the exit while covering other windows to avoid distraction.
Use food as an incentive to encourage the bird to move towards the exit point by laying a food trail.
Maintain a calm demeanour and gently guide the bird towards the exit, using large blankets or a sheet if necessary.
Keep noise to a minimum.
If the bird is nocturnal, it is best to wait until night time when they are most active to attempt these methods - keep all lights off.
Rescues involving mobile and flighted birds in warehouses with high ceilings are very complex, requiring specialised training and equipment.
Unfortunately, as a charity, Wildlife Victoria does not have the resources to deliver specialist training and equipment to our volunteers to manage these types of rescues.
In these situations, our Emergency Response Operators may advise callers to contact an humane commercial rescue service who have the expertise and necessary equipment to attempt these types of rescues safely.
We hope that by increasing your understanding and awareness of our beautiful wildlife, you will feel empowered to manage wildlife situations confidently and in an informed, safe and appropriate manner. For support at any time, please call our 24/7 Emergency Response Service on (03) 8400 7300.